Authorities were baffled by how a storm could have caused the modern plane operated by three experienced pilots to crash without sending a mayday call。
上面的报道中,mayday call就是“求救呼叫”,也可以用distress call/signal来表示。Mayday is an emergency code word used internationally as a distress signal in voice procedure radio communications. It derives from the French venez m'aider, or m'aidez, meaning “(you) come help me”(mayday是国际通用的无线电语音求救呼叫用语,来源于法语中的venez m'aider或m'aidez(发音相似),意为“来帮我”)。
既然mayday是用于语音求救呼叫的,那么如果无法实现语音求救,我们可以用什么标志来发出信号呢?对,就是SOS。这个字母组合是国际莫尔斯电码求救信号,并非任何单词的缩写。In International Morse code, the distress signal (• • • — — — • • •), three dits form the letter S, and three dahs make the letter O, so "SOS" became an easy way to remember the correct order of the dits and dahs(在国际莫尔斯电码中,求救信号里的三个点就是字母S,而三条短线则是字母O,这样SOS就成了记忆正确求救信号顺序的一个好办法)。