2015年美国CES展(International Consumer Electronics Show,国际消费电子产品展)于当地时间1月6日在美国拉斯维加斯国际会展中心隆重拉开序幕,国际宽带接入终端设备知名品牌Kasda 作为美国CES展的资深级参展商今年已是第五次参展,此次更携旗下众多新品华丽亮相,引起了消费者及众多厂商的广泛关注。
The 2015 CES, the world’s gathering place for all who thrive on the business of consumer technologies, runs January 6-9, 2015, in Las Vegas, Nevada. It is the 5th time for Kasda, the professional international broadband access CPE manufacturer, to Nevada for CES. Launching out the new designed products, Kasda has drawn the most attention of consumers and manufacturers。

美国国际消费类电子产品展览会作为世界上规模最大、水平最高和影响最广的消费类电子产品展览会之一,迄今已有46历史, 且2015年美国CES展是2015年第一个消费电子的展会,将会成为2015年电子行业的风向标。数据统计,此次美国CES展中国企业约占参展总数的1/6,CES展正在成为彰显中国企业实力的国际舞台。
CES, International Consumer Electronics Show, one of the global shows with the largest scale, highest level and widest influence, has a long history of 46 years to date. CES 2015 in USA is the first consumer electronics show in 2015 which will become the vane of the electronics industry 2015.
Kasda 总部位于中国改革开放经济特区——深圳,是国际知名宽带接入终端设备生产商之一。 其产品线丰富,涵盖宽带接入终端设备(光接入设备:GPON, EPON,FIBER; 电话线接入设备:VDSL2, ADSL2+)、局域网宽带应用设备(无线路由器系列,无线中继系列,无线网卡和模块,电力猫,OTT机顶盒)和移动终端接入设备(3G,4G路由器和网卡)三大系列60余款产品,在宽带接入终端设备领域里积累了丰富的研发经验,拥有十多项计算机软件着作权,同时获得多项外观设计专利和实用新型专利。
Kasda, with headquarter in Shenzhen, is one of the global leading manufacturers in Broadband Networking products field. Kasda has a rich product line covering broadband terminal equipment (Optical Access Equipments: GPON, EPON, FIBER; Telephone Line Access Devices: VDSL2, ADSL2+), LAN Broadband Applications (Wireless Router Series, Wireless Relay Series, Wireless Network Adapters and Modules, Powerline Adapters, OTT STB) and Mobile Terminal Access Equipments (3G, 4G Router and Network Adapters), three major series and more than 60 models of products. In the field of broadband access terminal equipment, it has accumulated rich experience in research and development, with more than 10 computer software copyrights and a number of design patents and utility model patents。
在本次CES展会上,Kasda 参展产品分为宽带应用和宽带接入两大系列,涵盖无线路由、DSL接入终端和家庭网关三大品类。与以往参展新品不同,Kasda 此次参展新品的最大特色就是“千兆双频”和“光纤接入”。比如AC 1200M∕1750M千兆双频GPON无线VOIP家庭网关、AC 1600M 千兆双频无线VDSL2路由一体机和AC 1200M 双频无线信号扩展器。其中最引人注目的还是Kasda 全新推出的AC 3200M 千兆双频无线宽带路由器——史上最快的无线路由!其无线传输速率可达到惊人的3200M,目前在业界是最高的。此外,它集无线360度无死角覆盖和穿墙性能超强两大性能于一身,可以说是无线路由器中的航空母舰。Kasda 参展的新品在本次展会上备受关注,吸引了众多国外客商前来参观、洽谈与合作。
On the CES exhibition, Kasda products are divided into two major series, broadband applications and broadband Internet access, covering three main categories, wireless router, DSL access terminal and home gateway . Different with previous exhibitions, Kasda’s biggest feature of the new products this year is "Gigabit Dual-band" and "Fiber Access", such as AC 1200M / 1750M Gigabit Dual-band GPON VOIP home gateway,. the AC 1600M Gigabit Dual-band wireless all-in-one VDSL2, and AC 1200M dual-band wireless range extender. The most compelling one is the launch of the new AC 3200M Gigabit Dual-band wireless broadband router - the fastest wireless router, with wireless transmission rate up to 3200Mbps, which is the highest level in the industry at present. In addition, combining wireless coverage in 360 degrees and super wall-penetrating performance, it can be said to be the “Aircraft” among all wireless routers. Attracted by Kasda’s new products, many foreign vendors came to visit Kasda’s booth for negotiation and cooperation。
今年是Kasda 第五次参加该展会,这仅仅是Kasda 全球化品牌战略的一个缩影。仅在过去两年,Kasda 就接连亮相多个全球最具影响力的大型展会,其中包括全球规模最大的信息、通信及软件领域的权威展览会——德国CeBIT展,以及中东地区最负盛誉的迪拜GITEX通讯展。
It is the 5th time for Kasda to participate in the exhibition. This is just a miniature of Kasda’s brand strategy of globalization. Just during the past two years, Kasda already successively presented in many world's most influential and large-scale exhibitions, including CeBIT Hannover, which is the world's largest authority in the field of information, communication and software exhibition, and GITEX Dubai which is the most prestigious communication exhibition in Middle East region. Kasda is building its brand internationally now, who will be a world famous networking products manufacturers in all over the world。