由世界顶级英语教育机构美国戴耐德公司(DynEd International Inc.)联合斯坦福大学教授精心研发,旨在为未来商业领导者们提供高质量贴身的语言辅助,该课程涉及企业管理,人力资源,金融,市场营销等热门案例,结合资深外教一对一VIP授课,让具备领导素质、管理技巧和专业知识的你更具竞争力!
Talk about company history
Introduce a talk企业背景介绍
Sequence events企业发展历程陈述
Present a company history企业过往业绩呈现
Show round a new colleague
Show someone round参观环境
Explain how to do something入职培训
Give advice and explain procedures工作建议
Present an argument
Ask questions表达立场
Clarify information辨别信息
Put arguments for and against处理争议
Deal with problems
Explain a problem阐明问题
Discuss options提供解决方案
Deal with a problem目标达成
Run a meeting
Manage time会议时间管理
Keep to the point会议议程掌控
Close the meeting会议决议
Present a proposal谈判准备
Accept and refuse拒绝方法
Look for a creative solution谈判策略与合作行为